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DRX278121: HiSeq X Ten paired end sequencing of SAMD00298362
1 ILLUMINA (HiSeq X Ten) run: 20.8M spots, 6.3G bases, 2.4Gb downloads

Submitted by: SAGA_U
Study: Difference in gene expression profiles between the two metal hyperaccumulators Noccaea japonica and Noccaea caerulescens ecotype Ganges under excess nickel condition
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We compare global gene expression patterns between the two metal hyperaccumulator plants: Noccaea japonica, originating from nickel-rich serpentine soils, and Noccaea caerulescens (ecotype Ganges), origination from zinc/lead-mine soils, under excess nickel conditions. There were significant differences in the expression levels of genes involved in mineral transport, mineral homeostasis, and metal tolerance. Expression level of iron-regulated transporter 1 (IRT1), encoding the primary iron uptake transporter and also causing excess nickel absorption in Arabidopsis thaliana, is higher in N. japonica than in N. caerulescens, but NjIRT1 has a point mutation at the Asp-100, which is essential for iron transport, suggesting that NjIRT1 misses its transport functions for iron and possibly nickel.
Sample: Noccaea caerulescens root under Ni rep2
SAMD00298362 • DRS182809 • All experiments • All runs
Name: Nc_2
Instrument: HiSeq X Ten
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: size fractionation
Layout: PAIRED
Construction protocol: NEBNext Ultra II Directional RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina (New England BioLabs Japan Inc.)
Spot descriptor:
forward152  reverse

Runs: 1 run, 20.8M spots, 6.3G bases, 2.4Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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